1·The loop control of the rotate speeds is achieved accordingly.
2·The loop control of the rotate speeds and the tension is adopted.
3·High rotate speeds of dynamical drilling tools can improve PDC bit's cutting rates, and also can provide downhole motives.
螺杆钻具的高转速可以为PD C钻头提高切削速度提供井下动力保障。
4·The stress, strain, and displacement of component of the cutters have been simulated under different rotate speeds in ANSYS.
5·Methods: Using orthogonal experiment design, we determined the drug-release of MT with different media, rotate speeds and methods.
6·In order ot solve the key problem that the rotate speeds of turntable in the rheogeniometer are error often, a method called Precision Design was bui…
7·One reason to believe dark matter exists is that galaxies rotate at such speeds that they would fly apart without it, or so the argument goes.
8·When stars' ellipses rotate at widely different speeds, the galaxy has no wave structure.
9·Once this analysis is done, it is clear that (for non-relativistic speeds, at least!) Newton's laws work in a frame in which the distant galaxies do not rotate.